Modern GIS
Geo informatsion technologies with great success are used in industries:
Mining — monitoring of mountain enterprises, control after mining
Industrial production — planning of enterprises, conducting of computations, audit and monitoring
Build industry — planning of communications
To the economy — conducting of expert estimations, marketing planning, management
Administrative management - consideration, administrative submission, informative providing of electoral
campaigns, consulting, management by territories
Ecology — decision of tasks at extraordinary situations, ecological monіtorіng
The internet — Internetservers, search of location and marshrutizatsiya
GIS — technologies with the use of digital mapping
On digital mapss the special program complexes for the decision of the special tasks of management are built, control
and prognostication. The geoinformatsionnie systems decide all tasks of management, control and prognostication, and also much other and the basis of these decisions is made by digital
Any industries of activity of man can be adopted by technology, only then, when they passed the stage of careful
preparations, was realized and are constantly controlled to the moment of completion.
A digital maps is one of types of the informative system, and has an own structure. Creation of structure
begins with
making of determinations and relations. In a digital maps these determinations and relations are expressed through classifier, otherwise classification structure.